You Scream, I Scream, We all Scream For…


ICE CREAM! That’s right, you guessed it! I felt it was only appropriate to write about ice cream on Monday. We all get those dreaded Monday blues, so why not talk about something not so blue?( If needing a Wednesday pick me up also check here) If you’ve owned a pet for a few years or so chances are you have bought them ice cream before. Maybe you share yours, maybe you buy the Frosty Paws at the grocery store, or maybe you’ve never thought about ice cream for your pooch! Well we’re here to share with you the newest, healthiest, frozen treat for your pooch. Have you ever watched the show Shark Tank? If you haven’t you are missing out, because there are always wonderful companies on there that are trying to make it big! We hit the jack pot when we found this little gem of a company; The Bear and The Rat! They sell all natural frozen yogurt treats for dogs! How cute is that? Everyone loves a good cup of frozen yogurt; your pooch included. They sell wonderful products with no added sugars, wheats, gluten, or artificial colors. Depending on your pup and what they like, you can choose from a cute little pint, a four pack of baby cups, or just one small little cup! They also sell adorable t-shirts that are sure to get people asking about the product! I know Summer is coming to a close, and it’s officially Fall; but that doesn’t mean we stop eating ice cream. So our pooches don’t need to either. If you’re looking for that perfect frozen treat for your fur friend- look no more. Bear and The Rat is the healthiest and tastiest one you’ll find. We recommend the Banana Peanut Barker, it was definitely a hit with Fletcher. Head on over here to find out where you can buy your Bear and The Rat products! 


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