Daily Dose of Fletch

In case you don’t follow along with our Instagram stories, here are some recent photos of Fletcher. I have been bad about being creative with his photos lately, but stay on the lookout for some adorable Halloween photos. It’s almost the weekend friends, have a good one! 
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This was Fletcher’s bad hair day last weekend, yikesssss. 
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Fletcher also got a new hair cut this week. We were skeptical because it was a new groomer, but we think we’ll keep her around! She did a great job, at least we think so 🙂
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And last but not least, Fletch had family time! Families make the world go round! 
If you would like to see more photos of the daily life of Fletcher, head on over to Instagram. We love sharing photos with our friends and family and think you’ll love looking at them! Thanks for coming on over to The Golden Dood!

17 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Fletch

  1. Fletcher is soooo adorable and cute! 😀 The part where Fletcher’s “bad hair day” the one where he’s wearing a hair tie, it’s super cute on him! But the best part or my favorite part is about his human best friend because you can see that you’re interacting with your dog 😀 To be honest, I have 3 dogs (Obvioulsy Yes, I’m a dog lover) and I love them to bits, like you and Fletcher 🙂

    Thank you for posting this 😉


  2. Fletcher is just gorgeous. Although I am a cat person, I love dogs and do all I can for animal welfare and rescue that I can. I thank you for following my blog. It isn’t actually about animals, but is a mishmash of things. I promised SamCat that if he didn’t bug me too badly while I was trying to study for my pharmacy exam, I would let him blog more often. So a couple of times a month, he’ll have something to say about something. I hope you and Fletcher visit often and will always feel welcome.


  3. I love your blog and your creativity. I have enjoyed reading all your post even though I haven’t been commenting on them. I think it’s wonderful that you have such a love for your Fletch and you’re sharing it with others ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww thank you so much for those kind words! It’s great to know that we have a few fans 🙂 If you are interested you can check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. We would love that.



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